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cryolatterCopiedthreadicon-check-whiteLevel 8

What is a street bet in roulette?

Can someone explain the rules and payouts for a street bet in roulette? How does it differ from other bets?

1 answers
VladMCopiedthreadicon-check-whiteaccount-checkOnline Gambling and Slots Specialist

Hi @cryolatter,

A street bet in roulette is when you place your bet on three consecutive numbers in a single horizontal line (or "street") on the roulette table layout. 

For example, you could bet on numbers 1, 2, and 3, which make up one street, or 19, 20, and 21, which make up another.

How to Place a Street Bet:
To make a street bet, you would place your chips on the outer boundary line of the roulette table, on the line dividing the two rows you wish to cover. 

So, if you wanted to bet on numbers 10, 11, and 12, you'd place your chip on the boundary line to the left of the number 10.

Payouts for a Street Bet:
If any of the three numbers in your street comes up, you win. 

The payout for a street bet is 11 to 1. 

This means that if you bet $10 and one of your numbers hits, you would receive a profit of $110 plus your original $10 bet back, for a total of $120.

In summary, the street bet in roulette is just one of many ways to wager, offering a balance between risk and potential payout. The right bet for you depends on your personal preference and strategy. 

Always remember to play responsibly and enjoy the game!


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