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abetsherlockCopiedthreadicon-check-whiteLevel 5

what is a push in sports betting

unsure how it affects my bets and how is different from winning or losing

1 answers
VladMCopiedthreadicon-check-whiteaccount-checkOnline Gambling and Slots Specialist

Hi @abetsherlock,

In sports betting, a "push" refers to a situation where the outcome of a bet results in a tie, meaning neither the bettor nor the bookmaker wins. 

When a push occurs, it's as if the bet never happened; your original bet amount is simply returned to you. 

For example, if you bet on a basketball game with a point spread of 5 and the favorite team wins by exactly 5 points, the bet is considered a push. 

The key difference between a push and winning or losing is the outcome:

  • Win: You receive your original bet back plus your winnings.
  • Loss: You lose your original bet amount.
  • Push: You neither win nor lose; you just get your original bet back.

Pushes are more common in sports like basketball and football where point spreads are used. In sports where you bet on outright winners, such as baseball or tennis, pushes are less frequent. 

Always ensure you understand the rules of your betting platform regarding pushes to avoid any surprises.



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